Thank You

Thank you to all of our donors for your financial support, especially over this past year. The past few months have been extra difficult for the people of Portoviejo, Ecuador as they have been hard hit by the Covid virus and a decreasing economy. They greatly appreciate your help and your prayers and they have kept us informed of how your donations have helped them continue their mission to help those in need. Here are some of the highlights of this year’s successes so far.

Annual Christmas Party

Linaje Del Rey church was able to hold their annual Christmas party again this year, which gave the church the opportunity to bless a lot of disadvantaged kids in the community. For most of these children, the gift they receive at this party is the only Christmas gift they will receive. The children look forward to this party every year and every year this is possible because of your donations.

Food Drives

The church has also been able to continue doing food drives throughout the year to provide groceries and household staples to people in their community. The food ministry has been even more vital this year due to the increased economic hardship in Portoviejo, Ecuador. Your continued financial support makes this ministry possible and provides much needed relief to many people.

Serving the Community

Pastor Ruben and his congregation believe strongly in getting out into the community and sharing the gospel with people in need. The church some times takes food and supplies with them to hand out to people while they pray with them. This outreach ministry is especially critical as people are feeling increasingly overwhelmed and looking for a source of hope. 

Financial Assistance

The young man in the picture below is an active member of Linaje Del Rey church. He needed glasses to do many of his daily tasks, but like many in the community, he could not afford them. Thanks to your generous donations, the church was able to help him get the glasses he needed and now he is very thankful because he can do all of the things that he could not do before due to his impaired vision. 

Medical Assistance

The gentleman in the picture below is named Marcelo. He has been dealing with a very serious illness and he needed vitamins and moisturizing supplements to help give him some relief during this uncertain time. Thanks to your support the church has been able to provide these things which has eased some of Marcelo’s stress and has given him hope.

Pastor Ruben and his congregation believe strongly in the power of prayer and they know that it is not enough to help with people’s material needs but that it is also important to help with their spiritual needs. Covid 19 has caused many difficulties for the people of Ecuador, especially over the past few months as another wave hit during Ecuador’s flood season. The province where the church is located is back under strict quarantine and it has been very difficult for people to find work or get food. Pastor Ruben and his congregation have been visiting people when permitted to offer assistance for medical and food expenses, as well as offering prayer and encouragement.

Between the seasonal flooding, limited jobs and quarantine restrictions it has been hard for people to find work in order to afford necessary medications and food. It has also been difficult for people to get medication and food because of shortages. Pastor Ruben and his congregation have been able to help cover the costs of medications, doctor visits and examinations, especially for those infected with Covid. The church has also been handing out food rations to those in need. Your contributions make all of this possible.

Helping those directly affected by Covid has been a main focus of Pastor Ruben and his church. Thanks to your financial support and the church’s careful handling of emergency funds Pastor Ruben was able to purchase an oxygen tank to help those who have been infected with Covid and dealing with respiratory complications of the virus. The province has had a shortage in their oxygen supply, making it very difficult for many to get the respiratory assistance they have needed while battling the virus. The purchase of an oxygen tank by the church has been an amazing blessing to those who desperately need this medical aid and Pastor Ruben and his congregation are extremely grateful to our donors for making this possible. 

Our partner church continues to update us on any new developments concerning their province. They are hoping to reopen for church services again soon; they had to lock down again recently. In the meantime, Pastor Ruben and his congregation thank you for your prayers and support as they continue to do what they can to provide aid and encouragement to their surrounding community.